BLOG – Steel tubes Železiarne Podbrezová a.s.

A Rare Visit to Železiarne Podbrezová’s Private Integrated School Showcases the Power of Cultural Exchange

In recent days, the Private Integrated School of Železiarne Podbrezová welcomed a distinguished guest: H.E. Cai Ge, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Slovakia. His visit to the Horehronie region was part of a broader mission to promote cultural exchange and enhance cooperation in areas such as education and tourism. At our school,…

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Foundations of Železiarne Podbrezová: Real Help That Changes Lives

Behind every successful company, there are often quiet but impactful acts of kindness. At Železiarne Podbrezová, it’s not just about steel and technology—we’re equally committed to helping people when they need it most. Through the Železiarne Podbrezová Foundation and the Miško Soták Foundation, we support organizations, communities, and individuals facing challenging life situations. In 2024…

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Celebrating strength, grace, and the power of women – together we fight breast cancer

The football club Železiarne Podbrezová is having another exceptional season and is once again among the top six clubs in the highest Slovak football competition, the Niké League. In the first round of the playoffs, it wasn’t just about goals and points on the table – football was once again playing a role in making…

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Celebrating Innovation and Partnership in Tále

Hotel Stupka in Tále recently hosted the prestigious KSIT 2024 (Košice Summit of Innovation and Technology) conference. The event celebrated the 30th anniversary of the renowned professional journal Acta Metallurgica Slovaca and brought together experts in metallurgy, materials science, and industry from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania. The conference organizers, led by Professor…

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Strategic Decisions and Successful Steps of TOM-FERR Zrt.

The journey of Tom-Ferr began humbly, but bold decisions and strategic steps have gradually built its position as a leader in the processing and sale of steel tubes. As a company that has brought steel tube manufacturing back to Hungary, TOM-FERR demonstrates that innovation and the courage to overcome challenges can lead to remarkable results.…

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Great News from ŽP Group

Our partner company, Tom-Ferr, has been recognized by Deloitte for the third consecutive year as one of the Best Managed Companies. This significant achievement reflects the high level of management and professionalism at Tom-Ferr. The program honors the management quality of leading private companies, with an independent expert panel evaluating four key areas: strategy, productivity…

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The children were captivated by the operations at the metallurgical plant

Recently, a group of children and filmmakers visited the Podbrezová Steel Mill. In the mill, they filmed an educational show called The Story of the River. This series aims to engage young people by combining science and adventure to spark an interest in education. “It is important for us that children are curious and interested…

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Železiarne Podbrezová Business Partners’ Day 2024

Every year, Železiarne Podbrezová, a.s., hosts the popular and traditional Business Partners’ Day, an event that has become a highlight for its customers and suppliers. This event plays a crucial role in strengthening supplier-customer relationships. This year’s event took place on June 20 at the scenic Gray Bear Tále Golf Course, attracting nearly two hundred…

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+421 48 6451111 |

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