Foundations are integral part of the joint stock company Železiarne Podbrezová. A number of funds is annually provided by means of the foundations to help and support individuals or various groups. The foundations obtain the finance from two sources : 2% of income tax, donations of natural persons or corporate entities.
In 2023 the Železiarne Podbrezová Foundation made a donation of more than 74 000 EUR to schools. The public health service was supported by an amount of 47 000 EUR and the social sphere was given more than 11 000 EUR. We haven’t forgotten about culture – we supported it by an amount of 42 000 EUR – and to support sport activities we spent 2 000 EUR.
An essential part of our support is a help provided to the hospital in Brezno. Among other things, we supported the civil association Healthy Lungs and their interesting project for a partial refundment of costs related to a provision of tools for robot system DaVinci at the Thoracic Surgery Clinic of Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in the Comenius University and the University Hospital in Martin.
As well, we can mention a support provided to the activity of the civil association Light of Hope in Banská Bystrica. It was a financial donation for a partial refundment of costs related to a purchase of a new car for a transport of ill children hospitalized at the Children Oncology Department of the Faculty Hospital with Health Center in Banská Bystrica.
As the local region is very important for the company ŽP a.s., we supported the Ján Chalupka Theatre in Brezno, which celebrated an incredible 100th anniversary of their performance in 2023.We don’t neglect the seniors – we contributed to the refundment of costs related to a purchase of the breastwood and decorative bushes and trees for the clients of social service facilities.
Moreover, there is another ŽP foundation called Miško Soták’s Foundation, which pays its attention to the young people – the help provided to schools and health care service, as well the support of sport talents were aimed at the young people.
Moreover, we have to mention an allowance, which is contributed every year to those employees of ours who take care of their handicapped children. For this purpose we spent more than 10 000 EUR.
There is a lot of applications for support, but we are able to satisfy needs of just a limited number of interested persons due to a limited available finances of our budget. So we thank our donors for their contribution which has helped to perform our mission and we believe that in 2024 we will jointly help to meet as many of our expectations as possible.
Article written by: Podbrezovan