Do you know that our steel is twice as sustainable as the European average?
Železiarne Podbrezová

Journey towards sustainability

In our journey towards sustainability we have already achieved a significant milestone: our carbon footprint, encompassing both Scope 1 and 2 emissions(market-based approach electricity emissions), is reduced to a remarkable below 0.10t CO2e per ton of steel. This marks a step forward towards environmental stewardship, setting new standards in the industry for a greener tomorrow.

By ensuring that every billet we supply is below 0.10 CO2e per t of steel, we surpass the average value of European best performers, which is 0.209 CO2e per t of steel*. This performance is even more evident when compared to the average emissions of electric arc furnaces in the United States, evaluated at 0.340 CO2e per t of steel**.

Železiarne Podbrezová

Our Mission


Green Way Steel by Železiarne Podbrezová Group is our branded steel, the results of decades of technological investments designed to reduce CO2 emissions.

Our Vision

Our vision is to inspire a global commitment to sustainability and ongoing progress.


Green Way Steel empowers our customers to reach their decarbonization targets. By choosing Green Way Steel certified materials, they are not only driving us to innovate and invest in cutting-edge technologies but also setting a new industry benchmark for a sustainable electric arc furnace steelmaking.
Because only all together we can build a brighter, more sustainable future for the steel industry and our planet.

Železiarne Podbrezová

Sustainability Achievements


CO2e Emissions

Steel billet carbon footprint(scope 1&2) – below 0.10t CO2e emissions per t of steel1


Scrap input

Weight of scrap input over weight of steel billet output: higher than 90%2

1. The product carbon footprint value refers to Scope 1 & 2 emissions only and has been estimated on the basis of the Greenhouse Gas Verification Report issued by TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o., Jašíkova 6, 821 03 Bratislava on 21 December 2023 – carried out in accordance with STN EN ISO 14064-1:2020 and STN EN ISO 14064-3:2019.

2. Scrap input over steel output is based on the average value over a full year operation.

Železiarne Podbrezová

Green Way Steel

Our steel billets with first-rate environmental footprint from recycled raw material and low-carbon energy sources

Železiarne Podbrezová

A rigorous approach

Our approach of measuring the carbon footprint of steel billets is rigorous and transparent. Our results reflect the relentless dedication to  reduce the environmental impact in our daily production, ensuring comprehensive sustainability efforts at every production stage.

We do not use

Carbon offsetting schemes that merely compensate for process emissions

Mass balance allocation of emission savings

Virtual allocation of renewable electricity or renewable gas to specific customers’ orders

Železiarne Podbrezová

89% CO2 Emission reduction: 1990-2023

Embark on our journey of progress—a 89% reduction in CO2 emissions achieved from 1990 to 2023.

This accomplishment required extensive investments and a substantial transformation of our production processes, resulting in top-notch metallurgical and environmental performance.

Železiarne Podbrezová

Achieving Excellence


Optimal metallic charge to maximize scrap usage


Low-carbon electricity primarily sourced from renewables and nuclear energy


5 hydropower plants


Largest roof solar power plant in Slovakia


Heat recovery from furnaces


Skilled and motivated employees sharing the Group vision of a greener future 

Železiarne Podbrezová

Sustainable energy process

Green way certification scheme

Upon request, ŽELEZIARNE PODBREZOVÁ products will be accompanied by a declaration of conformity to the Green Way Steel certification scheme, ensuring that top-quality steel billets have been used in the production of your goods.
Železiarne Podbrezová


Green Way Steel is the certified low-carbon steel billet produced from recycled material in Železiarne Podbrezová. It achieves a scrap input over steel billet output ratio higher than 90% and CO2e emissions lower than 0.10 t per ton of steel in Scope 1 and 2.

By choosing Green Way Steel, our customers can:

· reduce their carbon footprint
· support us to further improve our environmental performance and to aim at even more challenging results
· set a new benchmark for the whole market, encouraging other producers to adopt similar environmental standards.

The difference between standard production and Green Way Steel billets is that material will be accompanied by a declaration of conformity, showing its superior environmental performance.

The CO2e emissions are independently certified by TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o, and refers to the average value over a full calendar year production. The value is updated as soon as emission data are available and a new certificate is released.

The steel output over scrap input is declared by Železiarne Podbrezová, also based on the average over a full calendar year production.

The value of CO2e emissions and steel over scrap parameter are incorporated into a declaration of conformity issued by Železiarne Podbrezová.

Steel produced through blast furnace route emits about 1.9 t per t of steel while best performing Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) in Europe emit 0.209 t per t of steel (Scope 1 and 2)*. Green Way Steel reduces emission by more than 90% compared to the blast furnace route and by 50% compared to most of the European EAFs..

By ensuring that every billet we supply is below 0.10 CO2e per t of steel, we surpass the average value of European best performers, which is 0.209 CO2e per t of steel*. This performance is even more evident when compared to the average emissions of electric arc furnaces in the United States, evaluated at 0.340 CO2e per t of steel**.

Scope 1 and 2 are the emissions directly controllable by companies. If every company along the supply chain prioritize reductions in these emissions, then Scope 3 will be reduced as well. Anyway, Železiarne Podbrezová is active on obtaining the most precise figures from suppliers in order to be able, with the procurement strategy, to stimulate its Scope 3 emission reduction.

The current approach is to work on the emission factors under our control, without using carbon offsetting certifications as a shortcut to virtually clean-up for our environmental impact. Moreover, we are not making virtual allocation of any emission saving or green energy procurement to specific customers’ orders. Since steel production is a continuous and complex process all environmental actions taken by Železiarne Podbrezová are spread and averaged over the whole billets output to provide customers with the real picture of our steelmaking environmental performance.

We consider Green Way Steel the starting point to improve further our environmental footprint. Constant effort are paid to research, innovate and invest to continuously setting new benchmarks.

You can ask your sales contact or write us at:


*Average value of the top 10% most efficient installations in 2016 and 2017 (t CO2 equivalent/t) as established in Annex of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447 (electricity emission factor of 0.376 gCO2e/kWh).
**SMA (Steel Manufacturers Association) – STEELMAKING EMISSIONS REPORT 2022 – (Accessed: May 24, 2024)

Contact us

Are you interested in cooperation? Send us an inquiry, or order the goods directly from stock.
+421 48 6451111 |

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